
Support Groups


An overview of area support groups hosted by or at DKH is below. 有关具体会议日期和主题,请参阅我们的 即将举行的支援小组会议 page, or browse our 每个月的事件日历.

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Al-Anon: Saturdays; 6:00 p.m.; 戴金宝医院.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Saturdays 10:00 a.m.; 戴金宝医院, Robert H. 现场会议室

Alzheimer's & 痴呆症照顾者支援小组: This free support group for those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia is held on the second Thursday of each month from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 在布鲁克林南大街69号的奎尼鲍格谷老年中心. 由凯西·德默斯促成. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(860)377-6416.

Alzheimer's & 失智症家庭训练讲座: Free classes for individuals caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease & 其他相关的痴呆症. A series of four classes are held one each month from March through June and again from September through December. 每节课都侧重于一个不同的主题, from an introduction to understanding Alzheimer’s and dementia, 对社区资源和法律财务进行规划. 咨询电话:(860)928-0422:Day Kimball HomeCare. 查看即将到来的日期,请访问我们的主 Calendar of Events page.

Alzheimer’s & 痴呆症记忆护理活动计划: This program provides stimulation and socialization to individuals with Alzheimer's or other types of dementia, 也给照顾他们的人休息的时间. Learn more at our Memory Care Activity Program page >

Asthma Clinic:每月第一个星期四下午6点开会.m. at the 戴·金博尔医疗集团 pulmonary medicine office, 346 Pomfret St., Putnam. Free evaluation, testing, management and education of asthma for people at least 15 years old without regular access to healthcare, 未投保或投保不足的. 咨询电话:(860)928-4344.

成人丧亲支援小组:每周三下午5时起开会.m. – 6:15 p.m. 在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的野外会议室. Registration is required; to register and for more information, please call Hospice and Palliative Care of Northeastern Connecticut at (860) 928-0422 ext. 213. 要查看即将举行的会议日期,请参阅我们的主 Calendar of Events page.

子女丧亲支援小组 & 青少年-“好悲伤小组”: The Good Grief Group is for children and teens, ages 5-16, who have suffered a loss through death. The goal of the group is to let children know that they are not alone in their grief, that it is alright if they feel sad and cry and how to deal with their grief and emotions in healing ways. 由两位训练有素的主持人主持. 全年定期举行为期数周的会议. 欲了解更多信息,请致电临终关怀中心 & Palliative Care of Northeastern Connecticut at (860) 928-0422 ext. 213. 要查看即将举行的会议日期,请参阅我们的主 Calendar of Events page.

乳癌支援小组:每月第三个星期二下午7点开会.m. – 8:30 p.m. 在戴·国内买球的正规网站有哪些. Women with breast cancer or who have survived breast cancer are invited to join together for support and advice at this free monthly support group. 不需要注册,欢迎旁听. For more information, contact Regina Ackart, MS, OTR/L: (860) 779-0252.

癌症护理健康支援小组  每月第一个星期四上午11:30举行.m. - 12:00 p.m., at Hale YMCA. This group is for patients with any type of cancer and their family members and caregivers. Each meeting offers the opportunity to join others battling cancer for support and discussion on a specific topic, such as managing the cost of cancer care or understanding the treatment journey. 鼓励注册,但不是必需的, 联系DKH肿瘤科,电话:(860)928-6541 x2156.

心肺康复课程: Free educational program to help people with heart disease maintain and improve their health. 每周三上午十点半举行.m. 在普特南的戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些. 更多信息请致电(860)963-6315.

Childbirth Classes: 通过了解将要发生的事情来为宝宝的出生做好准备, how to prepare, 应对疼痛的方法等等. Developed by a team of nurses in consultation with area obstetricians and pediatricians. Choose from the 4-week series with 2-hour evening classes, or a one-day, 8-hour Saturday class. 费用为60美元,需要预先注册. For more information and to register for an upcoming session, visit our main Calendar of Events page or call the Burdick Family Birthing Center 在戴·国内买球的正规网站有哪些 at (860) 928-6541 ext. 2247.

辩证行为疗法(DBT)技能小组: Presented by the DKH行为健康中心, this sixteen week group is skills-focused and designed for boys and girls ages 13-17 in need of developing specific skills to reduce intense “hot” emotions and confusion in their lives so that they can feel happier, live healthier, 更成功. This is an evidence-based clinical intervention for adolescents who struggle with extreme emotional reactivity, 不稳定的自我概念和人际关系, mood disorder, 以及自残行为. For more information on upcoming sessions, contact DKH Behavioral Health at (860) 963-6385.

健康开始/哈士奇计划: This healthcare program for pregnant women and children up to 19 years of age provides insurance for prenatal care for pregnant women and complete medical coverage for children. Parents or guardians may qualify for free medical assistance if financial qualifications are met. 还提供病例管理服务. 有关入学信息,请致电(860)928-6541分机. 2595.

乳房x光检查和巴氏涂片检查: Today, most health insurance plans cover the full cost of screening mammograms and pap smears. However, if you do not have insurance or your plan does not cover the full cost and you need financial assistance in accessing these screening tests, call (860) 456-6896 regarding eligibility for the CT Breast and Cervical Cancer Grant. 如果没有资格获得这项补助金, contact a financial counselor 在戴·国内买球的正规网站有哪些 regarding eligibility for a free mammogram certificate through the Northeast Connecticut Cancer Fund of DKH at (860) 928-6541 x3316 or x2219.

培育家庭网络: Provides free parenting classes and family support services to pregnant and new parents as well as anyone parenting a child from birth through elementary school-age. 更多信息请访问我们的 培育家庭网络 page. 

金球行动: Second Wednesday or Thursday each month; 3:00 p.m.; 戴金宝医院, first floor, ACU Reception. For children who have an upcoming surgery, along with their families. 咨询和登记电话:(860)963-6370.

Overeaters匿名: 每周三下午6点.m. 在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些菲尔兹一号会议室. For more information, please call (508) 949-0819 or (860) 796-0114.

帕金森氏症支援小组: This free monthly support group is a safe place for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers to get encouragement, comfort, and advice, 并了解更多应对这种疾病的方法. 有关信息,请致电(860)774-6143联系教练Victor Gregoire.

准备手术,更快愈合(TM): Learn mind-body techniques to feel calmer before surgery, use less pain medication and heal faster. 由Peggy Huddleston开发. 咨询罗宾·汤普森,电话:(860)928-6541 x2095.

康涅狄格州东部(普莱恩菲尔德)生命接力: 每年六月在普莱恩菲尔德市政厅举行. Visit the 美国癌症协会网站 查看事件信息.

康涅狄格州东北部的生命接力: 每年五月在伍德斯托克游乐场举行. Visit the 美国癌症协会网站 查看事件信息.

睡眠呼吸暂停组.W.A.K.E. (Alert, Well & Keeping Energetic): 除一月外,每月的第二个星期四开会, February, July and August, 在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的野外会议室. 由睡眠专家主持, 这个项目是为病人准备的, 受睡眠呼吸暂停影响的家人和朋友. 了解更多关于睡眠呼吸暂停和使用CPAP设备的知识, and share experiences and helpful hints with other support group members.

Women, Infant & 儿童营养计划WIC是妇女特别补充营养计划, Infants and Children, offered by the CT Department of Public Health and administered locally throughout Northeast Connecticut by Day Kimball医疗保健. WIC provides nutrition and breastfeeding education and assistance to women prenatally and up to one year after giving birth, 为5岁以下儿童提供营养援助. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的 WIC program page.

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